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Halldór og Uffe stinga niður penna í EuObserver

HÁHalldór Ásgrímsson, framkvæmdastjóri Norræna ráðherraráðsins, og Uffe-Ellemen Jensen, fyrrum utanríkisráðherra Danmerkur, skrifa grein um mikilvægi norrænu og baltnesku víddarinnar í Evrópusamstarfinu á vefritið EUObserver.

Þeir segja meðal annars: ,,The nations around the Baltic Sea, as well as Iceland and, to a certain extent, Russia, were hit hard by the economic crisis and are struggling to overcome major problems, whereas the other Nordic countries appear well placed to recover relatively quickly. Ultimately, the way in which crises are handled is determined at national level, i.e. states are responsible for their own future. However, there are strong indications that we all need to be better prepared and develop more effective national structures in order to improve our ability to cope with future global crises."

Hægt er að lesa greinina hér:http://euobserver.com/7/28767

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