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MBL um ESB í leiđara

Seinni leiđari MBL í dag fjallar um ESB-umsókn Íslands og fyrstu skref í ţví máli. Ţar segir m.a.:

,,Fyrstu skrefin í ferli umsóknar Íslands um ađild ađ Evrópusambandinu eru uppörvandi. Ráđherraráđ sambandsins ákvađ í gćr ađ vísa umsókn Íslands áfram til framkvćmdastjórnar sambandsins sem mun leggja mat á hversu vel íslenzk löggjöf fellur ađ samningum ESB. Ţetta gerist ţótt ađeins séu fáeinir dagar síđan Ísland lagđi inn umsókn sína. Önnur ríki, sem nú sćkjast eftir ađild ađ sambandinu, hafa mörg hver ţurft ađ bíđa mun lengur eftir slíku mati."

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1 Smámynd: Sigurđur Ţórđarson

Evrópumálaráđherra Spánar Diego Lopez Garrido segir í viđtali viđ spćnska stórblađiđ El Pais ađ Spánn muni sjá til ţess ađ hagsmunir landsins verđi ekki fyrir borđ bornir í ađildarviđrćđum Evrópusambandsins viđ Ísland. Hann segir íslensku fiskimiđin vera fjársjóđ.

Greinin er hér:

The Veintisiete Monday gave the first step for future integration of Iceland unanimously to ask the Commission to prepare an opinion on the candidacy of the Nordic country. The decision was taken after two days of Reykjavik officially submit your application, in contrast to what has been waiting for other countries, and now the Balkans. Future negotiations on economic, agricultural and fishing are very harsh. The Icelandic Government expects EU membership in 2012.

The Executive island formally presented its application for EU membership on Thursday and returned Monday to the congratulations to the Veintisiete, which unanimously invited the Commission to raise their views on the preparation and ambition Icelandic. Everything has been so dizzying speed, which some countries have noted that the ugly is made to applicants from the Balkans who are still a queue to move towards integration Iceland via express.

"There will be no shortcuts, but it is true that the road ahead is shorter, which does not mean to be easy," noted Carl Bildt, foreign minister of Sweden, which holds the presidency of the Union this semester. Speculating on the timetable is now free. Finland and some other countries have expressed their desire that the Commission delivers its verdict (which means favorable) on the island candidacy before the end of the year. Until now, the case took 14 months faster.

But there are also reluctant, as France, which I would match the order of responses to the application (which means that Iceland does not go above countries like Albania or Montenegro) has pointed out that while there is no Treaty of Lisbon does not make sense to talk of further enlargement. With the current Nice Treaty can only enter and Croatia, hopes to save even a hindrance for their latest dispute over border demarcation with Slovenia.

Olli Rehn, Commissioner for Enlargement, has insisted that the Icelandic application will be treated in a rigorous and objective evaluation in two thirds (22 out of 35 chapters to be negotiated) cases in which there is already political community between the island and by virtue of membership of the European Economic Area Reykjavik (with effects on competition, state aid and trade) and of the EU Schengen border control. Rehn has ventured that "Economic and Monetary Union and the agricultural and fisheries policies are not covered and are important sources of trading" in the process that must be opened once the Commission issues its opinion and again attests Veintisiete. Reykjavik would like to see the process in 2012.

Iceland has resigned to apply for EU Membership in search of shelter before the economic and financial crisis, but has done so reluctantly and only by a vote of the majority needed in Parliament, which promises a referendum on accession complicated. Icelanders are very jealous of their wealth and uniqueness fish (mainly cod), one of the main reasons to be outside the EU, and now fear for them. "It's not just a matter of economics but of emotions, having to do with sovereignty," says his foreign minister, Össur Skarphédinsson.

These stocks are viewed as a treasure by the Spanish fleet. Diego Lopez Garrido, secretary of state for the EU in Brussels said on Sunday that Spain "has a lot to say during the negotiations to ensure that" no case "their fishing interests are harmed.

Sigurđur Ţórđarson, 28.7.2009 kl. 21:12

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