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Lissabon-sáttmálinn gengur í gildi

Jerzy BuzekÁ morgun, 1. desember, 2009, tekur Lissabon-sáttmáli ESB, formlega gildi. Í tilefni af því ritar forseti Evrópuþingsins, Jerzuy Buzek, grein í alþjóðaútgáfu Der Spiegel. Þar rekur hann þær umbætur og breytingar sem sáttmálinn hefur fyrir ESB og Evrópu.

Hann segir m.a.:The EU is a Europe based on common values, notably freedom and solidarity. The treaty promotes the Union's values, introducing the Charter of Fundamental Rights into European primary law, ensuring better protection of European citizens. The charter is a guarantee that Union institutions and law cannot violate basic standards of human rights -- European institutions will have to respect them. The charter has the European Union's full support, even though the United Kingdom, Poland and the Czech Republic have all negotiated opt-outs, thus demonstrating the EU's ability to apply flexible arrangements in respect to the sensitivities of individual member states."

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