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Grímur um "hagsmuni hinna fáu"

Grímur AtlasonGrímur Atlason, Eyjubloggari, rćđir einnig ESB-málin í sínum nýjasta pistli og segir m.a.:

" Hef veriđ ađ tjá mig um ESB umrćđuna og vald hinna fáu á kostnađ fjöldans   Ţetta hefur fariđ fyrir brjóstiđ á sumum ef marka má ummćli hér og á fésbók. Ekki síst fór vanţóknun mín á vćgi fámennra, hávćrra og einangrađra hagsmunahópa í umrćđum um hugsanlega ađild Íslands ađ sambandinu, fyrir brjóstiđ á nokkrum pennum. Ég byggđi ţessa vanţóknun mína á ţessu:  

Ungbćndur eru m.a. á móti ESB vegna ímyndađrar herskyldu ţeirra í framtíđinni. Síđan er ţađ forystan í Bćndahöllinni sem segir ađ ósaminn mögulegur samningur okkar ađ ESB muni leiđa hana og ţjóđina alla í glötun. LÍÚ eru á ţví ađ 180 stórskuldugir ađilar verđi ađ eiga kvótann og „yfirráđ“ ţessara sömu ađila á auđlindinni sé upphaf og endir alls. Ţessir strákar eru ađ auki međ afskrifađa milljarđa eftir fáheyrt hlutabréfafyllerí sem viđ erum enn ađ borga fyrir. ESB virđist ţannig vera skrattinn sjálfur í augum ţessara hópa og ţađ fáum viđ ađ heyra daglega í keyptum miđlum ţeirra og víđa annar stađar.

Ţrátt fyrir ramakvein og ýmis skot úr hornum stend ég algjörlega viđ ţessa skođun mína. Ég held ég hér sé dćmi um ţá hálfgerđu plágu hér á landi sem er sú hvađ fáir ráđa ótrúlega miklu langt umfram tilefni. Ţađ eru ţeir örfáum sem gala hćst og ţeirra er gjarnan niđurstađan. Ţetta hefur grafiđ um sig í samfélaginu."

Allur pistill Gríms


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1 Smámynd: Jón Valur Jensson

Geri eftirfarandi athugasemdir viđ ţann málflutning Gríms Atlasonar, sem hér sást.

1) Hann kýs hér ađ skrumskćla andstöđu viđ inngöngu (= innlimun) Íslands í ESB međ ţví ađ velja sér ţađ, sem hann telur öfgakenndast eđa fáránlegast í ástćđum gegn slíkri "ađild", en ţegja um allar ađrar ástćđur, jafnvel ţćr veigamestu eins og fullveldismissinn og missi yfirráđa okkar yfir sjávarútvegsmálunum.

2) Ţótt ungbćndur hafi réttilega vakiđ athygli á ţeirri stefnu innan ESB ađ samhćfa heri bandalagsríkjanna og fćra ţá (t.d. sjóherina) smám saman undir yfirstjórn Brussel (ţetta vekur reyndar gremju margra Breta), ţá hafa ţeir líka ađrar mun veigameiri ástćđur frá ţeirra bćjardyrum séđ gegn innlimun landsins í ţetta stjórnsama ofurríki. En samhćfđur ESB-her verđur til, hve oft sem menn eins og séra Ţórir Stephensen, Jón Frímann Jónsson og Einar Benediktsson afneita ţví – sá síđastnefndi reyndar međ ţví hálfpartinn ađ viđurkenna ţetta í leiđinni! Allt öđru máli gegnir um herskyldu. Ţótt hún sé t.d. í Danmörku, eins og ég sá getiđ um nýlega, ţá ţarf hún ekki ađ verđa í ţessum nýja heildarher, en ţađ breytir ekki hinu, ađ ćtlazt verđur til fjárframlaga ríkjanna til ţess hers ađ lokum.

3) "Síđan er ţađ forystan í Bćndahöllinni sem segir ađ ósaminn mögulegur samningur okkar ađ ESB muni leiđa hana og ţjóđina alla í glötun." – Ţarna birtist ein skrumskćling (karikatúrísering) Gríms. Hann sér, ađ ţađ er auđveldara ađ gera fullyrđingu fáránlegri í augum lesenda međ ţví ađ setja á hana öfgablć ("ţjóđina alla glötun"). En ţetta ţykir ekki góđ ađferđ í rökrćđum – ţetta er ađ setja markiđ of lágt, Grímur Atlason! Af hverju ekki frekar ađ takast á viđ efnisleg rök Bćndasamtakanna liđ fyrir liđ?

4) Ţá velur Grímur ađ beina öfundargeiri ađ LÍÚ og láta sem sjálfstćđi lands og ţjóđar sé bara til ţess ađ ţjóna 180 kvóta"eigendum". Ekki er nú mjög viđeigandi ađ tala um afskriftir í ţeim geira og hlutabréfafyllerí umfram ţađ, sem átt hefur sér stađ í miklu meiri mćli í öđrum geirum atvinnu- og fjármálalífs landsmanna. Öfundartaktíkin er slappt vopn, Grímur! Og ţađ er sannarlega rétt hjá Páli Vilhjálmssyni, ađ miđstýring frá Brussel kćmi ekkert lýđrćđislegar út heldur en ţetta kerfi okkar, sem viđ ţurfum reyndar ađ laga til í grundvallaratriđum – eđa er ţađ kannski ekki lengur stefna ykkar vinstri manna?!

5) "ESB virđist ţannig vera skrattinn sjálfur í augum ţessara hópa," segir Grímur undir lokin og hefur ţannig fullkomnađ sitt selektífa val á auđveldum "rökum" andstćđinga sinna – eđa ástćđum sem hann sjálfur leggur ţeim í munn, til ţess ađ komast hjá ţví ađ takast á viđ raunveruleg rök og margfalt veigameiri en ţađ, sem vera kann til í einhverju af ţessu fyrrnefnda.

Ég bendi Grími t.d. á ţessa grein mína frá 2009 og mikla umrćđu ţar, og segi menn svo, ađ ekki hafi fariđ fram nein málefnaleg umrćđa međ og móti ţessu ESB-stefnumáli ykkar (Lára Hanna Brusselfari hélt ţví fram um daginn; var hún ţá ekki bara svona fáfróđ sjálf?): Innlimun gerist og fullveldi glatast međ ýmsu móti.

PS. Eins og ég vék óbeint ađ, tók Páll Vilhjálmsson ágćtlega á ţessum pistli Gríms í nýrri vefgrein: Ósjálfstćđisbarátta ađildarsinna, og ţar á ég innlegg sem snerta mjög mikilvćgustu ţćttina í ţessu máli öllu.

Jón Valur Jensson, 2.8.2010 kl. 04:16

2 Smámynd: Ţorsteinn Briem

Jón Valur Jensson

"The [Lisbon] treaty foresees that the European Security and Defence Policy will lead to a common defence agreement for the EU when the European Council resolves unanimously [ákveđur einróma] to do so, and provided that all member states [öll ađildarríkin] give their approval through their usual constitutional procedures."

Preamble and Article 42 of the (consolidated) Treaty of European Union."

Treaty of Lisbon
- Wikipedia

"9. The State shall not adopt a decision taken by the European Council to establish a common defence pursuant to Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union where that common defence would include the State."

Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland

"7. The State may exercise the options or discretions—
i. to which Article 20 of the Treaty on European Union relating to enhanced cooperation applies,
ii. under Protocol No. 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union annexed to that treaty and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (formerly known as the Treaty establishing the European Community), and
iii under Protocol No. 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice, so annexed, including the option that the said Protocol No. 21 shall, in whole or in part, cease to apply to the State,
but any such exercise shall be subject to the prior approval of both Houses of the Oireachtas."

Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland

Ţorsteinn Briem, 2.8.2010 kl. 08:13

3 Smámynd: Ţorsteinn Briem

Stjórnarskrá Írlands og Evrópusambandiđ:

"The ratification of major European Union treaties, starting with the Single European Act of 1986, requires the amendment of Article 29 of the Constitution of Ireland, which prescribes the extent to which Irish law can be superseded by other laws, including European Union law.

Amendments of the Constitution of Ireland
can only be approved by referendum

"The Supreme Court has ruled that any European Union Treaty that substantially alters the character of the Union must be approved by a constitutional amendment.

For this reason
separate provisions of Article 29 have permitted the state to ratify the Single European Act, Maastricht Treaty, Amsterdam Treaty, Nice Treaty and Treaty of Lisbon."

"Under Article 29 international treaties to which the state is a party are not to be considered part of the domestic law of the state unless the Oireachtas [írska ţjóđţingiđ] decides otherwise.

The article also declares that "Ireland accepts the generally recognised principles of international law" but the High Court has ruled that this provision is merely aspirational and is not enforceable."

The Constitution of Ireland

"The Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland permitted the state to ratify the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union."

The Twenty-eighth Amendment was approved by referendum on 2 October 2009 (sometimes known as the Lisbon II referendum).

"The amendment was approved by the Irish electorate by 67.1% to 32.9%, on a turnout of 59%."

"The first referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon held on 12 June 2008 was rejected by the Irish electorate, by a margin of 53.4% to 46.6%, with a turnout of 53%."

"Following the referendum [on the Treaty of Lisbon held on 2 October 2009], Dáil Éireann (the lower house of parliament) gave its approval to the Treaty on 8 October 2009."

The President of Ireland Mary McAleese signed the amendment of the constitution into law on 15 October. These fomalities having been conducted, the state ratified the Treaty of Lisbon, which entered into force on 1 December 2009."

Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland

"The Supreme Court of Ireland is the highest judicial authority in the Republic of Ireland.

It is a court of final appeal and exercises, in conjunction with the High Court, judicial review over Acts of the Oireachtas (Irish parliament).

The Court also has jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the Constitution of Ireland by governmental bodies and private citizens."

The Supreme Court of Ireland

"The High Court of Ireland is a court which deals at first instance with the most serious and important civil and criminal cases, and also acts as a court of appeal for civil cases in the Circuit Court.

It also has the power to determine whether or not a law is constitutional
, and of judicial review over acts of the government and other public bodies."

The High Court of Ireland

Ţorsteinn Briem, 2.8.2010 kl. 08:16

4 Smámynd: Ţorsteinn Briem

"Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [NATO], which, for those States which are members of it, remains the foundation of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation."

Lissabon-sáttmálinn (Treaty of Lisbon) - Sjá bls. C 306/35

Sameiginlegur her
allra ađildarríkja Evrópusambandsins er ekki til, eins og allir vita, og verđur ekki til nema međ samţykki allra ríkjanna.

Og ađildarríki Evrópusambandsins geta sagt sig úr sambandinu samkvćmt Lissabon-sáttmálanum:

"Article 49 A

Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements."

Lissabon-sáttmálinn (Treaty of Lisbon) - Sjá bls. C 306/40

Ţorsteinn Briem, 2.8.2010 kl. 08:21

5 Smámynd: Ţorsteinn Briem

"The Treaty of Lisbon introduces an exit clause for members who wish to withdraw from the European Union.

This formalises the procedure by stating that a member state may notify the European Council that it wishes to withdraw, upon which withdrawal negotiations begin; if no other agreement is reached the treaty ceases to apply to the withdrawing state two years after such notification."

Procedure for EU withdrawal

"No European Union (EU) member state has ever chosen to withdraw from the European Union, though some dependent territories or semi-autonomous areas have left.

Of these, only Greenland has explicitly voted to leave, departing from the EU's predecessor, the European Economic Community, in 1985.

The only member state to hold a national referendum on withdrawal was the United Kingdom in 1975, when 67.2% of those voting voted to remain in the Community."

Withdrawal from the European Union

Ţorsteinn Briem, 2.8.2010 kl. 08:23

6 Smámynd: Ţorsteinn Briem

"Í reglum Evrópusambandsins er tiltekiđ ađ velta sambandsins megi ekki vera meiri en 1,27% af ţjóđarframleiđslu ađildarríkjanna en hún er nú rúmlega 1%.

Evrópusambandiđ fer međ samanlagt 2,5% af opinberu fé ađildarríkjanna og ríkin sjálf ţar af leiđandi 97,5%."

Ţorsteinn Briem, 2.8.2010 kl. 08:41

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