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Bréf frá Azerbaijan

AzerbaijanEvrópusamtökunum hefur borist bréf frá systursamtökunum í Azerbaijan, sem  er í S-Kákasus, við Svartahafið. Þar voru kosningar nýlega. 

Okkur hér á Íslandi finnst kosningar eðlilegur hlutur og að með þeim fái almenningur tækifæri til þess að taka þátt í því sem heitir lýðræði. Við sem aðhyllumst það að þjóðin fái að greiða atkvæði um aðildarsamning að ESB, þegar hann liggur fyrir, lesum þetta bréf með miklum áhuga.

En lýðræði er ekki sjálfgefið, það sést á eftirfarandi bréfi, sem við birtum í heild sinni: 


Satetement of European Movement in Azerbaijan on parlimanetary elections held in Azerbaijan in 2010 07 novemebrr.


There have been held parliamant elections in Azerbaijan in 2010 noveber 07. According to observations held the acting polling stations have been opened in due time and the rules have been obeied. Installation of web cameras in some polling stations have been assessed as a positive sign.

The election activity in a day of election have been in a low level. However the activity of election have been  increased artificially in polling stations. There have been a lot of violations during election day. Thus, a lot of persons visited to different polling stations and vote, so this means a lot of votes from one person. Before some groups have been arranged and they went to different polling stations and vote for candidate.These groups are mainly organised from university studients, teachers, militarists and some other institutions who are financed by state budget.  The most interesting is that some persons from these groups confessed their fault that they vote several times in different stations. For example electors in 31-st election cosnstituency of Surakhani district 80 persons from other regions who is not registered in the same constituency vote for candidate. It shoud  be noted that these situations have been observed in other polling stations. The most suprisingly is that members of election commission in polling stations or election cosntituency created a large number of conditions for these kind of people who joined in these groups to vote for several times in different stations. The representatives of alternative candidates refused for that kind of situation, but they were arrested and  pulled out  of election process by police and other comptenet persons. Also some international observers have also been pressed and their certificate fascinated. The members of OSCE have not been allowed to make photos during election process.In some other polling stations the situation was very terrible like the election process was interrupted and the stations were under police control.

Some polling stations have been surrounded by sportmans. For example in 29-th election constituency of Sabail and 17-th Yasamal district, in the 5,6 and 7-th polling stations representatives have been pressed and bitted by sportmans for his refusal to falsification. The situation  interfiered with the work of observeres, they could not do their job in a high level and this mens that they did not observed the election process. In 31-th election constituency of Surakhani the observers have been forcly pulled out of polling stations for their refusal to violations.  In some polling stations the observers have been forcly pulled out of polling stations after the voting is end. Only after some minutes they were allowed to enter inside. In 10-th election constituency of Binagadi district  and 17-th election constituency of Yasamal the observers have not been presented the protocols. They were refused to get it by election commissions.

Taking into account the above stated situation  the parliamant  election held in Azerrbaijan in 07 november 2010 should be appreciated as a election  with its number of violations, falsifications.

This shows that Azerbaijan took one more step back from democracy.

European Movement in Azerbaijan apply to European Union, European Parliament, Councile of Europe and calls for to bann the representatives of parliamant of Azerbaijan to visit to european countreis for the next 5 years.


President of European Movement in Azerbaijan





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