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Jákvćđar hagvaxtartölur á Írlandi á ţriđja fjórđungi - á réttri leiđ skv. Lenihan fjármálaráđherra

Frá DublinÍ International Herald Tribune má lesa ađ hagvöxtur hafi aukist til muna á Írlandi á ţriđja ársfjórđungi ársins. Brian Lenihan, fjármálaráđherra telur ţetta vera merki um ađ landiđ sé á réttri leiđ og ađ útflutningur sé kominn á gott skriđ:

,,DUBLIN (Reuters) — Ireland’s economy returned to modest growth in the third quarter as a strong export performance compensated for depressed domestic consumption, data on Thursday showed.

The country’s gross domestic product rose 0.5 percent in the third quarter from negative 1 percent in the second, missing expectations for a 0.8 percent increase as consumers and businesses further reduced expenditures in the face of a spiraling banking crisis and aggressive government cutbacks.

Despite the modest performance, Ireland’s government seized on the growth figures as proof the country was not in danger of a double-dip recession and on track to meet tough targets laid down in the bailout package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

The finance minister, Brian Lenihan, said in a statement that the latest figures show that the economy had stabilized and was on an export-led growth path."

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