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Baldur (og Konni?): Drögum ESB-umsókn til baka!

Bjarni BenediktssonNú rćr ţjóđernis(hyggju)armurinn í Sjálfstćđisflokknum lífróđur, svona rétt fyrir landsfund: Nei-sinnar innan flokksins láta ađ ţví liggja ađ lögđ verđi fram ályktun á landsfundi flokksins nú um helgina, ţar sem ţess verđur krafist ađ umsókn Íslands ađ ESB verđi dregin til baka.

Sjálfstćđisfélag Kópavogs, Baldur, vill ađ slíkt verđi gert og hefur sent frá sér tilkynningu

Í henni kemur fram ađ ţetta sé ekki rétti tíminn til ađ sćkja, hinir vondu Bretar muni beita Icesave fyrir sig (gegn okkur=vondu útlendingarnir). Etc, etc!!

Svo koma ţeir međ órökstuddar dylgjur um ađ kostnađur viđ umsóknarferliđ verđi mun meiri en áćtlađ er.

Ţetta er auđvitađ út í loftiđ! Viđ minnum ţar ađ auki á ađ sjálfar ađildarviđrćđurnar taka um tvö ár, ţannig ađ langur tími mun líđa ţangađ til ţeim lýkur.

Sjálfstćđisflokkurinn stćrir sig ađ hafa veriđ í farabroddi í utanríkismálum Íslands í gegnum tíđina.

Verđi ályktun sem ţessi  samţykkt á komandi landsfundi slćr flokkurinn á allt ađra strengi í nálgun sinni gagnvart utanríkismálum og samskiptum viđ alţjóđakerfiđ.

Ţá er ţađ spurningin: Vill hinn ungi formađur, Bjarni Benediktsson, vera viđ stýriđ ţegar (og ef) flokkurinn setur sig í aftursćtiđ hvađ varđar utanríkismál og samskiptin viđ Evrópu?

Ps: Á Eyjunni er fullyrt ađ flokkurinn klofni verđi tillaga um ađ draga umsókn til baka samţykkt á landsfundinum.

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1 Smámynd: Gunnlaugur I.

ESB trúbođiđ á Íslandi er í stórfelldri tilvistarkerppu og í miklum vandrćđum núna og er reyndar á stöđugum flótta málefnalega og einnig undan sinni eigin ţjóđ sem mjög eindregiđ og yfirvegađ vill algerlega hafna ESB ađild !

Ađeins hávćr en einangrađur minnihluti vill halda ţessari arfavitlausu ESB umsókn til streitu.

Í öllum stjórnmálaflokkum landsins nema í ESB fylkingunni sem nýtur stöđugt minnkandi fylgis er afgerandi meirihluti algerlega andvígur ESB ađild.

Ţetta á líka afgerandi viđ ţá fjölmörgu sem engan stjórnmálaflokk styđja.

Ţađ skiptir ţví akkúrat engu máli ţó ţiđ reyniđ ađ kljúfa einhverja flokka í nafni ESB rétttrúnađarins.

Stađreyndirnar um tilfinnanlegt fylgisleysi ykkar munu alls ekkert lagast eđa skána viđ ţađ.  

Allar meintar "stórfréttir" af slíku ESB- brölti eru ţvílíkur stormur í galtómu vatnsglasi ykkar ESB- trúbođanna !

Gunnlaugur I., 24.6.2010 kl. 01:17

2 identicon

Ţađ er ekkert mál ađ finna not fyrir 1 og hálfan milljarđ. 2000 manns eru kúnnar hjá Fjölskylduhjálp Íslands sem ađ fćr samtals 4 milljónir á ári frá hinu opinbera. Ţetta fólk á ekki fyrir mat

Ţetta ţykir mér ţví gott og ţarft framtak hjá ţeim í Kópavogi, ţá sérstaklega ţar sem ađ ţađ er í algjöru samrćmi viđ yfirgnćfandi vilja ţjóđarinnar í skođannkönnunum.

Íslendingar vilja ekki ganga í Evrópusambandiđ.

sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 03:39

3 Smámynd: Jón Frímann Jónsson

Gunnlaugur I, Haltu áfram ađ segja sjálfum ţér ţađ. Öllum öđrum er orđiđ sama um ţessa afneitun ţína.

Gunnar Waage, Eins slćm og stađan er. Ţá er ţađ nú bara ţannig ađ Fjölskylduhjálp Íslands er eingöngu neyđarúrrćđi fyrir fólk sem er komiđ í mjög slćm mál. Ţessi samtök ganga á frjálsum framlögum. Ríkiđ gćti alveg lagt til fjármang, og hefur gert ţađ í gengum tíđina ađ auki.

Hinsvegar dugar einn og hálfur milljađur skammt ef ekki tekst ađ leysa vandamál fátćktar á Íslandi sem stafa af óstöđugri krónu, háum vöxtum og háu verđlagi.

Jón Frímann Jónsson, 24.6.2010 kl. 10:29

4 Smámynd: Gunnlaugur I.

Jón Frímann ég segi ţađ hverjum sem er ţó ţú lokir eyrunum í ţinni eigin afneitun !

Einnig vil ég benda ţér á ađ fátćkt er vaxandi vandamál í flest öllum ríkjum ESB og mun meiri og djúpstćđari í flestum ţeirra heldur en á Íslandi.

Samt hafa enginn ţessara ríkja haft íslenska krónu sem gjaldmiđil.

Gunnlaugur I., 24.6.2010 kl. 10:40

5 Smámynd: Evrópusamtökin, www.evropa.is

@Gunnlaugur: "Einnig vil ég benda ţér á ađ fátćkt er vaxandi vandamál í flest öllum ríkjum ESB og mun meiri og djúpstćđari í flestum ţeirra heldur en á Íslandi."

Geturđu rökstutt ţessa fullyrđingu, en ekki bara slengt henni hér fram?

Evrópusamtökin, www.evropa.is, 24.6.2010 kl. 11:02

6 identicon

Ég vil benda Evrópusamtökunum á ađ 2000 manns á Íslandi er nokkuđ stór hluti ţjóđarinnar sem á ekki fyrir mat.

En einn og hálfur milljarđur skal settur í kostnađ viđ ađildarumsókn ţótt ljóst sé ađ ţađ fé fáist ekki til baka.

Athyglisverđ stefna Evrópusamtakanna ađ sjá ekkert athugavert viđ ţetta en skýrir annski andstöđu almennings viđ ađild.

Varđandi ósk ykkar um rökstuđning frá Gunnlaugi;


fátćkt barna í Bretlandi sem dćmi er ákaflega mikiđ vandamál og hafa tölur um börn sem lifa undir fátćktarmörkum í Bretlandi veriđ mjög sláandi, 2 miljónir barna í Bretlandi eiga ekki foreldra sem eru í vinnu ect.

Unemployment creates new child poverty crisis - 2nd of Nov, 2009

“We couldn’t let the banks fail, now we mustn’t fail our children”

A staggering two million British children now have no parent in work and the number of children in families having to survive on benefits has jumped by 170,000 in just twelve months according to a new report published today by the Campaign to End Child Poverty. Child poverty is growing in affluent areas as well as those traditionally hard hit.

Through Thick and Thin: Tackling Child Poverty in Hard Times, written by leading social policy researcher Donald Hirsch,provides strong evidence for the government to implement End Child Poverty’s “Recession Recovery Package”.

The report warns that the number of children in families without jobs is rising to its highest level for a decade. It claims that without substantial investment now, 2.3 million children will be living in poverty in 2010, more than half a million above the government’s target. Investing Ł4 billion would take the government close to its aim of halving child poverty.

Donald Hirsch said, “We couldn’t afford to let the banks fail and now we can’t afford to fail our children, our future. Rising unemployment has created a new poverty crisis which could leave children scarred for life and cost society some Ł25 billion a year. This dwarfs the investment needed to hit the target to halve child poverty by 2010.”

Kate Green, Chief Executive of the Child Poverty Action Group, said, “This shows that more investment is needed as families feel the effects of the recession.”

“The Government must provide additional financial support for families on benefits and tax credits in the Pre-Budget Report in November. We also need a wider recession recovery package that improves the Social Fund, increases childcare, helps parents to work part time without losing benefits and meets extra school costs.”

The report contains some surprises. Affluent Berkshire and Surrey have suffered the highest proportionate rises in unemployment. And there has been an 18% rise in families with both parents out of work. After housing costs, a couple with two small children is left with Ł225 a week for everything, which puts them Ł115 below the poverty line.

The report also urges the government to give better financial support to parents who are out of work or in low-paid jobs, to help make work pay during the recovery.

End Child Poverty is calling for people to contact their local MP, the Chancellor and their local newspaper to press the government to invest in financial support for families in the Pre-Budget Report and action the Recession Recovery Package. Find out more at www.endchildpoverty.org.uk.

Notes to Editors

  • For more information, a copy of the report and interviews,    please contact: Melanie Dias;Tel: 020 7278 3404; Email: Media@ecpc.org.uk 
  • The comments in this release represent the views of End Child Poverty and do not necessarily reflect the views of member organisations.      
  • Taking into account announced policy changes, the number of children living in poverty in 2010 is estimated to be 2.3 million, half a million more than the Government’s target to halve child poverty by 2010. These figures are calculated on a before housing costs basis, which is the Government’s preferred measure. Child poverty is significantly higher once housing costs are taken into account. The latest official figures, from 2007/08, show that there are 2.9 million children living in poverty before housing costs are taken into account and 4 million children after housing costs. The after housing costs measure gives a more accurate picture of a family’s disposable income, especially as there are wide geographical variations in housing costs.
  • The Campaign to End Child Poverty has launched a “Recession Recovery Package” to support Britain’s struggling families. This is a targeted and costed plan to help keep families afloat and out of debt, support Britain’s economic recovery and lift hundreds of thousands more children out of poverty. It urges the government to take five key actions: invest in benefits and tax credits; increase funding and access to the social fund and extend eligibility to those families on working tax credit; increase support for childcare costs; enable parents to work in ‘mini’ jobs; and help parents to meet the costs of school.
,Thursday, 8 March, 2001, 00:52 GMT
Millions live in poverty in the UK
Deprived housing
Many people live in "absolute poverty"
Over five million people live in "absolute poverty" in the UK, according to a report published today.

'Breadline Europe: The Measurement of Poverty', looked at research into poverty across the continent, identifying increasing levels of poverty in the UK.

The definition of absolute poverty is taken from a 1995 United Nations statement, which said it was "a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs."

It listed those as a lack of food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and access to benefits.

Absolute poverty is not supposed to exist in a country like Britain

David Gordon,
University of Bristol
Nine per cent of UK households reported that their income fell "a lot" below what they needed each week to keep them out of absolute poverty.

A further 8% said their income was a "little below" the necessary level.

And 4% said they or their partner had gone without food in the last year.

David Gordon, senior research fellow from the University of Bristol, who co-authored the study, said: "Absolute poverty is not supposed to exist in a country like Britain."

But he said that by the definition agreed at the UN, 17% said they were living in it.

Single parent poverty

The highest rates of poverty in Britain were found among single parents.

More than two fifths who had one child said their income fell below the minimum of Ł163 a week.

Precentage reporting 'absolute poverty'
Single pensioner - 24%
Single adult - 20%
Couple, 2 children - 9%
Single parent, 2 children - 54%
Over half those with two or more children felt they had less than the necessary income.

Single pensioners also feel they suffer. A quarter said their income fell below a minimum income of Ł106, which the study's authors said was Ł20-30 higher than the basic state pension.

Of families of two adults and one child, who put the minimum figure at Ł205, 15% had less than that coming in each week.

Professor Peter Townsend, professor of international social policy at the London School of Economics co-editor of the study said: "The UK has become the special case of Europe.

He told BBC News Online they had asked people what the necessities of life were, and what income was needed to escape absolute poverty.

Those lacking three or more "necessities", who also had a low income were classed as being below the level set for "absolute poverty".

He said: "No one would deny that severe poverty was experienced on a greater scale in third world countries."

But he said it was important to consider the basic physical and social needs, and the actual items people require to sustain a lifestyle like that of others in their society.


The researchers asked 1,600 people who had taken part in the General Household Survey what they thought was socially and materially necessary.

Papers from the Economic and Social Research Council provided the basis for chapters in the book.

The study also examined poverty in Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

It found that over the last ten years, levels of poverty had increased significantly.

In Russia, 60% were in poverty, with 25% in extreme poverty in 1998, compared to 11% in 1992.

Peter Kenway, director of the New Policy Institute, which compiles an annual report on poverty in the UK for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, said it was perfectly legitimate to look at what people thought indicated poverty, rather than look simply at income.

But he added other measures, including that used by the government, estimated different levels of poverty.

He added a standard measure had to be found: "There is a real problem now about coming up with a definition that's comprehensible to people."

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Thursday, 8 March, 2001, 00:52 GMT
Millions live in poverty in the UK
Deprived housing
Many people live in "absolute poverty"
Over five million people live in "absolute poverty" in the UK, according to a report published today.

'Breadline Europe: The Measurement of Poverty', looked at research into poverty across the continent, identifying increasing levels of poverty in the UK.

The definition of absolute poverty is taken from a 1995 United Nations statement, which said it was "a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs."

It listed those as a lack of food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and access to benefits.

Absolute poverty is not supposed to exist in a country like Britain

David Gordon,
University of Bristol
Nine per cent of UK households reported that their income fell "a lot" below what they needed each week to keep them out of absolute poverty.

A further 8% said their income was a "little below" the necessary level.

And 4% said they or their partner had gone without food in the last year.

David Gordon, senior research fellow from the University of Bristol, who co-authored the study, said: "Absolute poverty is not supposed to exist in a country like Britain."

But he said that by the definition agreed at the UN, 17% said they were living in it.

Single parent poverty

The highest rates of poverty in Britain were found among single parents.

More than two fifths who had one child said their income fell below the minimum of Ł163 a week.

Precentage reporting 'absolute poverty'
Single pensioner - 24%
Single adult - 20%
Couple, 2 children - 9%
Single parent, 2 children - 54%
Over half those with two or more children felt they had less than the necessary income.

Single pensioners also feel they suffer. A quarter said their income fell below a minimum income of Ł106, which the study's authors said was Ł20-30 higher than the basic state pension.

Of families of two adults and one child, who put the minimum figure at Ł205, 15% had less than that coming in each week.

Professor Peter Townsend, professor of international social policy at the London School of Economics co-editor of the study said: "The UK has become the special case of Europe.

He told BBC News Online they had asked people what the necessities of life were, and what income was needed to escape absolute poverty.

Those lacking three or more "necessities", who also had a low income were classed as being below the level set for "absolute poverty".

He said: "No one would deny that severe poverty was experienced on a greater scale in third world countries."

But he said it was important to consider the basic physical and social needs, and the actual items people require to sustain a lifestyle like that of others in their society.


The researchers asked 1,600 people who had taken part in the General Household Survey what they thought was socially and materially necessary.

Papers from the Economic and Social Research Council provided the basis for chapters in the book.

The study also examined poverty in Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

It found that over the last ten years, levels of poverty had increased significantly.

In Russia, 60% were in poverty, with 25% in extreme poverty in 1998, compared to 11% in 1992.

Peter Kenway, director of the New Policy Institute, which compiles an annual report on poverty in the UK for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, said it was perfectly legitimate to look at what people thought indicated poverty, rather than look simply at income.

But he added other measures, including that used by the government, estimated different levels of poverty.

He added a standard measure had to be found: "There is a real problem now about coming up with a definition that's comprehensible to people."

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sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 12:21

7 Smámynd: Gunnlaugur I.

Takk fyrir ţetta Gunnar Wage.

Mjög ítarlegt og ćtti alla vegana í smá stund ađ ţagga niđur í útöluliđinu í ESB trúbođinu sem talar niđur allt íslenskt og ćvinlega segir allt á Íslandi verst í Evrópu.

Sjálfur bý ég í ESB landinu Spáni og hér getur mađur alveg séđ og fundiđ fátćktina og eymdina sem hér er mjög víđa og gríđarlega misskiptingu lífsgćđa.

Enda er hér 20% atvinnuleysi og fjöldi fólks ađ missa húsnćđi sitt og aleiguna í kreppunni sem hér herjar af miklum móđ og enginn batamerki ađ sjá nema síđur sé.

Gunnlaugur I., 24.6.2010 kl. 12:49

8 identicon

jahá, ţú ert ţá búin ađ finna fyrir ţví. Lánveitingar til ýmissa ađila á Spáni í kring um fall húsnćđismakađarins ţar hafa veriđ gríđarlegar frá Seđlabanka Evrópu (ECB) gegn sterkum veđum.

Ţetta er ćđislegt komplot hjá ESB ađ safna svona veđum á einn stađ:). Lćkningin verđur síđan fljótleg og sársaukalaus ţegar upp er stađiđ.

Annars var ég ađ lesa mjög góđa grein eftir Björn Bjarnason á Evrópuvaktinni . Mćli međ ţessum miđli.

sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 13:08

9 Smámynd: Jón Frímann Jónsson

Gunnar Waage, ţeir sem taka mark á glćpamanninum Birni Bjarnarsyni fyrrverandi dómsmálaráđherra eru ómarktćkir blađrar.

 Fátćkt er allstađar vandamál, líka á Íslandi. Hinsvegar kemur ţađ ekki ESB viđ. Heldur viđkomandi ríkjum sem eru ekki ađ standa sig í stykkinu viđ ađ laga ţetta vandamál. Vegna ţessa er ESB núna ađ berjast á móti fátćkt eins og hćgt er.

Hérna er frétt um fátćkt í Evrópu.

Gunnlaugur I, Hćttu ađ ljúga svona. Ţađ er vissulega fátćkt á Spáni en ástćđunar eru margar og flóknar. Ţetta er ennfremur ekki nćrri ţví eins einfalt vandamál og ţú heldur fram hérna.

Jón Frímann Jónsson, 24.6.2010 kl. 14:07

10 identicon

Tja ţađ vill nú svo til ađ Björn er ţarna einfaldlega ađ fjalla um ákvćđi Lissabonsáttmálans (sem er ţađ sama og ég gerđi á sínum tíma), er varđa varnarmál Evrópusambandsins. Ég hafđi rétt fyrir mér ţá og hef ţađ enn.

Björn er aftur á móti betur ađ sér en flestir í málum sem varđa varnarmál bćđi Íslands sem og Evrópusambandsins. Björn Bjarnason er lögrfćđingur og fyrrv. Dómsmálaráđherra til margara ára fyrir ţá sem ţađ ekki vita.

sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 16:06

11 Smámynd: Gunnlaugur I.

En Björn Bjarnason er semsagt "glćpamađur" í augum Jóns Frímanns. Mér kemur ţađ ekki á óvart ađ hann noti svo stór og ljót og óvönduđ orđ, ţar sem hann hefur kallađ mig og marga fleiri "fasista" og "lygara" og ţađan af verri ónefnum.

Ég hef aldrei stutt Björn Bjarnason en ţessar ađdróttanir Jóns Frímanns eru algerlega undir beltisstađ og lýsa ađeins algjöru rökţroti og  örvćntingu Jóns Frímanns og ESB trúbođsins !

Já mikiđ og hátt verđur fall ţessara ESB trúbođa ţegar ţeir átta sig á ţví ađ ţjóđin hafnar algerlega óhćfum og örvćntingarfullum ESB málstađ ţeirra !

Búđu ţig undir ţađ stóra fall Jón Frímann, ţađ er styttra í ţađ en ţú í hroka ţínum getur ímyndađ ţér !  

Gunnlaugur I., 24.6.2010 kl. 16:28

12 identicon

Vel mćlt mađur, Evrópusamtökin virđast líka láta sér ummćli sem ţessi vel líka, einhvernvegin held ég samt ekki, ađ tilvitnannir í ţennan vef muni reynast félagsmönnum til framdráttar í kosningabarráttu

sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 17:14

13 Smámynd: Jón Frímann Jónsson

Gunnar Waage, Ţađ er ekki til neinn evrópuher, nema kannski í hausnum á ţér. Ţađ er hinsvegar ţitt vandamál.

Gunnlaugur I, Björn er vissulega glćpamađur, enda sýndi hann af sér glćpsamlega vanrćsklu sem ráđherra ţegar hann var í ríkisstjórn, sem međal annars er ábyrg fyrir efnahagshruninu og kreppunni sem kom í kjölfariđ.

Ţeir einu sem er ađ falla hérna eru andstćđingar ESB á Íslandi. Ţađ er nefnilega ţannig ađ ţađ er ekki hćgt ađ ljúga ađ fólki endalaust eins og ţiđ andstćđingar ESB á Íslandi, og víđar eruđ ađ gera.

Sannleikurinn kemur alltaf í ljós á endanum.

Jón Frímann Jónsson, 24.6.2010 kl. 17:16

14 identicon

Vinsamlegast vísađu í dóm máli ţinu til stuđnings ungi mađur.

sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 17:24

15 identicon

Burt séđ frá öllu ţá er ţađ athyglisverđ afstađa "Evrópusamtakanna" ađ Björn Bjarnason sé quote; "glćpamađur".


sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 17:33

16 Smámynd: Gunnlaugur I.

Tal ţitt um sannleikann Jón Frímann fer ţér alls ekki vel, nema ađ einu leyti "ađ sannleikanum verđur hver sáreiđastur" Eins og ţú !

Allur málatilbúnađur ESB trúbođsins á Íslandi er algerlega hruninn og fylgiđ líka til grunna, eftir sitja svona ótrúlegir spređabassar eins og ţú sem benda á "meinta" glćpamenn í öllum hornum og taka svo heldur engum rökum !

Ţér er eiginlega vorkunn ađ vera svona takmarkađur eins og ţú ert !

Gunnlaugur I., 24.6.2010 kl. 17:59

17 identicon

já krakkanum er vorkun.

sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 18:21

18 Smámynd: Jón Frímann Jónsson

Gunnlaugur I, Ţú hefur hingađ til aldrei nokkurntíman getađ sannađ mál ţitt, í ţeim fullyrđingum sem ţú hefur komiđ fram međ hérna um ESB.

Á međan ţú ert bara gróa á leiti varđandi ESB umrćđuna, ţá er ekki nokkur ástćđa til ţess ađ taka mark á ţér.

Gunnar Waage, Fór Rannsóknarskýrsla Alţingis fram hjá ţér ? Ţetta er ekki dómur, enda er ekki hćgt ađ dćma ráđherra og fyrrverandi ráđherra nema međ landsdómi sem hefur aldrei veriđ kallađur saman. Rannsóknarskýrslan segir hinsvegar frá hvernig Björn hagađi sínum verkum, og var međ afglöp í starfi sínu.

Jón Frímann Jónsson, 24.6.2010 kl. 19:48

19 Smámynd: Charles Geir Marinó Stout

Ţađ er svo sannarlega satt ađ sannleikurinn kemur í ljós á endanum;)

Hann verđur mjög ljótur fyrir ESB-sinna

Charles Geir Marinó Stout, 24.6.2010 kl. 20:31

20 identicon

Jćja nú er krakkinn farinn ađ dćma menn seka um glćpi, ţađ er aldeilis Evrópusamtökunum til sćmdar.


sandkassi (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2010 kl. 20:51

21 Smámynd: Jón Frímann Jónsson

Charles, Sannleikurinn mun í reynd rústa málstađ andstćđinga ESB á Íslandi. Ţađ er ţess vegna sem ţeir eru svona hrćddir viđ alla andstöđu gegn málflutningi ţeirra.

Vćntanlegar ađildarviđrćđur Íslands og ESB munu verđa mjög upplýsandi fyrir almenning, og ţađ mun rústa málstađ andstćđinga ESB á Íslandi ţegar lengra líđur á ađildarviđrćđunar.

Ţađ kemur ţví ekki á óvart ađ andstćđingar ESB á Íslandi vilji stoppa ţćr eins og raunin er núna.

Jón Frímann Jónsson, 24.6.2010 kl. 23:28

22 Smámynd: Charles Geir Marinó Stout

Fortíđin er lykillinn ađ framtíđinni Jón ;) Ţađ er ekkert sem mun koma í veg fyrir ađ Ísland gangi ekki í ESB, jú nema Samspilling og vinstri snú-snú ţvinga ţví í gegn. Íslendingar munu ekki falla fyrir ESB gildrunni um gull og gersemar sem svo er tekiđ burt um leiđ og tćkifćri gefst. Allt sem ESB hefur gert áđur mun sigla ađildarviđrćđum Íslands í strand. Íslendingar munu fella niđur allt ESB rugl í atkvćđagreiđslu.

Charles Geir Marinó Stout, 25.6.2010 kl. 02:19

23 Smámynd: Jón Frímann Jónsson

Charles, Fortíđin er vissulega lykill ađ framtíđinni. Bara ekki á ţann hátt sem ţú heldur. Ísland mun vissulega ganga í ESB á endanum. Hvort ađ ţađ gerist í núverandi umsóknarferli, eđa eftir önnur tíu ár (eftir ađ dómsdagsspár andstćđinga ESB hafa klikkađ aftur).

Ég ćtla ennfremur ađ benda ţér á ađ ESB er ekki ađ lofa íslendingum neinu sérstöku. Ţú getur ekki beint á nein slík atriđi međ sönnunargögnum til ţess ađ styđja viđ ţćr fullyrđingar sem ţú setur fram hérna á mjög svo órökstuddan hátt.

Tími andstćđinga ESB á Íslandi er liđin, ţeir hafa fengiđ sín 16 ár eđa svo. Ţeir skildu Ísland eftir í rúst međ útrásarliđinu og neita ađ bera ábyrgđ á ţví, alveg eins og útrásarliđiđ.

Jón Frímann Jónsson, 25.6.2010 kl. 05:20

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