12.5.2010 | 18:23
Eistland stefnir á Evruna - uppfyllir skilyrđin
Eistland stefnir á ađ taka upp Evruna sem gjaldmiđil í byrjun nćsta árs. Landiđ uppfyllir ţau skilyrđi sem til ţarf, lága verđbólgu og vexti, góđa skuldastöđu ríkisins og fjárlagahalla. Frá ţessu er greint á vefnum EuObserver.
Halli á fjárlögum er ađeins 2.6% og heildarskuldir Eistlands eru ađeins um 10% af ţjóđarframleiđslu. Ţetta ţykir mjög öfundsverđ stađa og ljóst ađ Eistlendingar hafa stađiđ sig vel í ţessum málum.
Framkvćmdastjórnrn ESB gefu ţessu nú grćnt ljós og síđar í sumar er búist viđ ađ fjármálaráđherrar ESB-ríkjanna, gefi sitt JÁ.
Áhugaverđa lesningu á ensku er ađ finna hér Ţetta er síđa um ţessar upptöku Evrunnar, en hér segir m.a. (á ensku):
,,Estonia is a small country with a small and open economy. Changeover to the euro, a world currency, will have a positive effect on the confidence of the economy and people of Estonia. The euro will support our economic stability, facilitate trade relations with EU Member States and establish Estonia as a part of one of the most influential economic regions in the world."
,,The Estonian kroon has been pegged first to the Deutsche Mark and later to the euro during the entire circulation period. Due to the fixed exchange rate and the peg to the euro, we are almost members of the euro area, except that our banknotes are different. Thus, the changeover from the kroon to the euro will not bring along any major economic changes, whereas transaction costs will decrease and the possible risks endangering the kroon as a small currency with fixed exchange rate will disappear.
Estonia's accession to the Economic and Monetary Union is the best and most reliable way of ensuring the stability and low inflation level of the currency in circulation.
In addition:
- it will be easier to compare prices across euro area countries;
- risks related to the exchange rate will be minimized;
- the risk of sudden increases in interest rates will be smaller;
- transaction costs will decrease."
,,A stable monetary environment...promotes fast economic growth. At the same time, accession to the euro area will entail the obligation for Estonia to follow a balanced economic policy in the future as well."
Eldri fćrslur
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Áhugaverđir tenglar
- Evrópusamtökin-heimasíða Heimasíđa Evrópusamtakanna
- Aðildarviðræður við ESB
- Já-Ísland
- Evrópustofa Upplýsingar um ESB og Evrópumál
- Evrópusambandið-ESB
- Utanríkisráðuneytið
- Sendiráð ESB á Íslandi Sendiráđ ESB á Íslandi
- Meirihlutaálit Utanríkismálanefndar Alþingis
- Skýrsla Evrópunefndar
- RÚV:ESB-vefur
- Uppl. fyrir blaðamenn
- Sterkara Ísland
- FRBL-Umræða-Leiðarar
- European Daily Fréttir frá Evrópu
- BBC-Evrópa
- EU-Observer
- EUtube ESB á you tube
- Fastanefnd framkvæmdastjórnar ESB fyrir Ísland og Noreg.
- Evrópuskrifstofan
- EurActiv-Fréttir um ESB
- Euranet (Útvarp)
- Euronews
- Evrópusíða UTN Evrópusíđa utanríkisráđuneytisins
- Ungt fólk og ESB Ungt fólk og ESB
- ESB-umfjöllun MBL
Fréttabréf Evrópusamtakanna
- Arna Lára Jónsdóttir
- Bryndís Ísfold Hlöðversdóttir
- Daði Einarsson
- Dofri Hermannsson
- Eiríkur Bergmann Einarsson
- Eva Kamilla Einarsdóttir
- Fanney Dóra Sigurjónsdóttir
- Fararstjórinn
- Gunnar Axel Axelsson
- Gunnlaugur B Ólafsson
- Guðlaugur Kristmundsson
- Guðmundur Steingrímsson
- Hinrik Már Ásgeirsson
- Hrannar Björn Arnarsson
- Hreinn Hreinsson
- Jón Gunnar Bjarkan
- Jónas Tryggvi Jóhannsson
- Júlía Margrét Einarsdóttir
- Loopman
- Magnús Már Guðmundsson
- Marta B Helgadóttir
- Sveinn Arnarsson
- Tómas Þóroddsson
- Vefritid
- gudni.is
- Ágúst Hjörtur
- Ágúst Ólafur Ágústsson
- Árni Rúnar Þorvaldsson
- Andri Geir Arinbjarnarson
- Arnar Guðmundsson
- Baldur Kristjánsson
- Barði Bárðarson
- Björn Halldórsson
- Brattur
- Brosveitan - Pétur Reynisson
- Egill Rúnar Sigurðsson
- Eva Benjamínsdóttir
- Eva G. S.
- Eyjólfur Sturlaugsson
- Eyþór Laxdal Arnalds
- Friðrik Hansen Guðmundsson
- Guðjón Sigurbjartsson
- Guðlaugur Hermannsson
- Gunnar Ásgeir Gunnarsson
- Heiðar Lind Hansson
- Helgi Jóhann Hauksson
- Helgi Þór Gunnarsson
- Hilmar Gunnlaugsson
- Hjörtur Guðbjartsson
- Hólmfríður Bjarnadóttir
- Ingimundur Bergmann
- Jakob Falur Kristinsson
- Jens Sigurðsson
- Jón Grétar Sigurjónsson
- Jón Ragnar Björnsson
- Kama Sutra
- Kjartan Jónsson
- Konráð Ragnarsson
- Kristján Jón Sveinbjörnsson
- Lúðvík Júlíusson
- Natan Kolbeinsson
- Óðinn Kári Karlsson
- Óskar Þorkelsson
- Ragnar G
- Rögnvaldur Þór Óskarsson
- Sema Erla Serdar
- Sigurður M Grétarsson
- Sigurður Sigurðsson
- Snorri Hrafn Guðmundsson
- Sumarliði Einar Daðason
- Svala Jónsdóttir
- Svanur Gísli Þorkelsson
- Sæmundur Bjarnason
- Sævar Finnbogason
- Ungir evrópusinnar
- Þarfagreinir
"The Estonian kroon has been pegged first to the Deutsche Mark and later to the euro during the entire circulation period.
Due to the fixed exchange rate and the peg to the euro, we are almost members of the euro area, except that our banknotes are different.
Thus, the changeover from the kroon to the euro will not bring along any major economic changes, whereas transaction costs will decrease and the possible risks endangering the kroon as a small currency with fixed exchange rate will disappear.
Estonia's accession to the Economic and Monetary Union is the best and most reliable way of ensuring the stability and low inflation level of the currency in circulation.
In addition:
- it will be easier to compare prices across euro area countries;
- risks related to the exchange rate will be minimized;
- the risk of sudden increases in interest rates will be smaller;
- transaction costs will decrease."
Estonia will change over to the euro
Ţorsteinn Briem, 12.5.2010 kl. 20:53
Viđ Íslendingar getum tekiđ Eisland til fyrirmyndar varđandi hagstjórn.
Ţetta er góđur árangur og ţá sérstaklega í miđri fjármálakreppu.
Sleggjan og Hvellurinn, 12.5.2010 kl. 21:18
"The financial perspective for 2007-2013 focuses on the integration of a common market and the development of economic, social, and environmental policies.
During the budgetary period, Estonia will get over 4.5 billion euros from the EU budget (2004 standing price; estimated nominally 4.8 billion euros), of which close to 3.3 billion will go to regional aid, about 0.6 billion to rural life, and about 0.5 billion to support agriculture.
Estonia will contribute about 0.9 billion euros to the EU budget over 7 years."
Estonia in the European Union
Estonian Government's European Union Policy for 2007–2011
Ţorsteinn Briem, 12.5.2010 kl. 21:59
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.